Artist: Tan Zi Cheng
Born: 1975, Huaihua City in Hunan province , China
Nationality: Chinese
Studied Under:
• Studied sketching in Huaihua City in 1991
• Studied sketching under Professor Zeng Shu Song while studying cultural studies in 1993
• Majored in oil painting and fine brush painting in the Department of Fine Arts at Huaihua Teachers’ College in 1994
• Studied at the Hunan University fine arts department in 1997
Favourite Medium: Oil on Gold Leaf
Tan researched mainly in Western and traditional Chinese painting materials. Combined with Chinese brushwork, Tan used ink painting techniques as a starting point. With his delicate features painting, Tan has developed an innovative one kind of East-meets-new touch-style of oil painting. Chen has also received numerous awards in the art exhibition organized in the provinces and cities.